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Township Descriptions
(1889 Goodspeed Pub.)
Long Creek
King's River
Johnson Springs
Present Day Census Township Map
Map hand drawn (can't you tell?) by Fleta
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Entire US Present Day Township Maps Thanks to S K Publications!!
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Reprinted from
The Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwestern Arkansas
Published by The Goodspeed Publishing Co. 1889No record of township organization prior to 1870 is extant, but from a comparison of traditional knowledge it is referred that the three original townships of what is now Carroll County were Carrollton, Osage and Prairie (said to have been known at one time as Ashley), to which Long Creek was added prior to 1850. The order of subsequent formation cannot be ascertained. The records having been destroyed it became necessary to establish township boundaries, which was done at an adjourned term of the county court, April 18, 1870; Hon. Robert Raines, judge, and Esquires Jackson Childers and Alexander H. McElyea presiding. On this day the court proceeded to establish the different townships, defining their boundaries and voting places as follows, to wit:
The present number of townships is fourteen; of election districts twenty, there being five wards in Eureka Springs, each of which with each of the townships constitutes a separate district.
Long Creek Township to commence at the Boone County line, at the southeast corner of Section 27, in Township 20 north, Range 22 west, running west to the southwest corner of Section 25, Township 20 north, Range 23 west; thence due north to the Missouri line; thence east to the Boone County line, thence south with said line to the place of beginning; and that the voting place in said township be, and the same is hereby designated at the residence of Redden B. Mattox.
Hickory Township line to commence above and near the Dallison farm on Dry Creek, running northward to the southwest corner of Long Creek Township; thence north with said township line to the Missouri line; thence with the Missouri line to a point near and east of the residence of Thomas Wise; thence southward with the range of mountains, leaving said Wise west of said line to the Pilot Knob; thence south to the Osage Mountain; thence east with the aforesaid mountain to the southwest coruer of the sixteenth section; thence east with said section line to Dry Creek, near Jeremiah Yonngblood's; thence down the main channel of Dry Creek to the place of beginning; and that the voting place be, and the same is hereby designated, at the residence of John S. Shahan.
King's River Township line to commence at the northwest corner of Hickory Township; thence west with the Missouri line to a point due north of Boat Mountain; thence south with the divide between Leatherwood and King's River to the head of the Cox and Hobb's saw-mill hollow; thence down said hollow to the Master's ford on King's River; thence by Bradley Bunch's to the southwest corner of Hickory Township line; thence with said line north to the place of beginning; and that the voting place in said township be, and the is hereby designated, at the frame house of the L. D. High farm, in the waxweed hollow.
Cedar Township line to commence at the northwest corner of King's River; thence west with the Missouri line to the Ben-ton County line; thence south with said line to the Madison County line; thence east with said line to the divide between Leatherwood and Keel's Creek; thence to the southwest corner of King's River Township; thence with said township line to the place of beginning; and that the voting place in said township be, end the same is hereby designated, at the residence of William Skelton; in said township.
Prairie Township line to commence at the southeast corner of King's River; thence west with the said boundary line of King's River Township to the southeast corner of Cedar Township line; thence with the Cedar Township line to tile Madison County line; thence with the Madison County line to the Rock-house Creek; thence down said creek so as to include the settlements on said creek (which is to King's River); thence up King's River to the mouth of Pin ey; thence east to William Barkley's on Osage; thence north by the way of Benjamin Jenrnng's to the place of beginning; and that the voting place be, and the same is hereby designated at Berryville.
Liberty Township line to commence at the southwest corner of Prairie Township; thence south with the Madison County line to Stephen Howard's; thence east by the way of the Widow Usry's on Osage, to Daniel Conner's; thence north on the divide to the Hickory Township line near the old Rush still-house; thence with said Prairie Township line to the place of beginning; and that the voting place in said township be, and the same is hereby designated, at the residence of Matthew Griffith.
Osage Township line to commence at the southwest corner of Liberty Township, thence south with the Madison County line to the Newton County line, thence east to the Boone County line, thence with the divide between Osage and Long Creeks to the southeast corner of Liberty Township, thence west with said township line to the place of beginning; and that the voting place in said township be, and the same is hereby designated at the residence of John P. Carter.
Carrollton Township to commence at the southeast corner of Long Creek Township, thence west with said township line to the Hickory Township line, thence with said Hickory Township line to the Liberty Township line, thence with said Liberty Township line to the Osage Township line, thence with said Osage Town-ship line to the Boone County line, thence with said Boone County line to the place of beginning; and that the voting place in said township be and the same is hereby designated at Carrollton.
Yocum Township October 7, 1873: "Ordered by the board that Hickory Township be divided as follows, to-wit: by a line beginning where Long Creek Township line crosses Yocum Creek, thence with the bed of said creek to the residence of John S. Shanan, thence due west to Prairie Township line: and that all north of said line be known and called by the name of Yocum Township; and that the voting place of said township be at the voting place of Jeremiah Hall.
Polo Township April Term, 1874, upon petition of a majority of the citizens of King's River Township for the formation of a new subdivision from its territory, the following line of division was confirmed: "Beginning about one mile and three-quarters west of Bradley Bunch's, where said township line crossesa hollow known as Methodist Hollow, thence down said hollow to King's River about one-fourth of a mile above Cra baugh's mill, thence down said river to the Missouri line." The eastern part received the name of Polo Township, with Standlee's store as its voting place.
Clifty August 17, 1874, Cedar Township was divided by a line "beginning at the eastern boundary of said township, and running due west so as to divide Sections 20 and 19, Township 20 north, Range 26 west, and Sections 24, 23, 22 and 21, Township 20 north. Range 27 west, through the center of said sections to the western boundary;" that portion south of this line receiving the name of Clifty Township, with Hendry's mill as its voting place.
Piney Township. A pril 5, 1875, division of Liberty Township ordered by a line "beginning at the north line of Osage Town north to King's River Township, near Nathaniel Rudd's, and running in a northern direction on and with the divide between the waters of the Osage and Piney Creeks to the southern line of Prairie Township;" the territory west of this line to constitute the new township of Piney. Its organization was ordered to be effected ay 1, 1875, with John Gilstrop's mill as the place for holding elections.
Fork Township. February 7, 1876: "On this day was presented a petition of a majority of the citizens of Osage Township representing that said township is too large for the convenience of a large number of citizens thereof, and praying that said township be divided as follows, to wit: Beginning at the Newton County line, on the top of the mountain or divide separating the waters of Osage and Dry Fork creeks, and running with and on the top of said mountain or divide north to the Liberty Township line." This was favorably considered, the territory west of the line described being designated as Dry Fork Township, with the place of the election at Shiloh.
July 3, 1876, by order of court the southern boundary of King's River Township was so changed as to include that part of Prairie Township north of a line "beginning at the southeast corner of said (King's River) township, thence west to the W. R. Sartain farm on King's River, thence up said river to the mouth of Osage, thence west to Cedar Township line."
Winonia Township was formed May 1, 1882, from the following described territory, formerly part of Cedar: "Beginning where King's River crosses the line between Carroll and Madison Counties, running thence west to the line between Ranges 26 and 27; thence north to the northwest corner of Section 31, Township20 north, Range 26 west, thence east four miles; thence north two miles; thence east to King's River; thence along said river to place of beginning." At July term, 1882, the line between Prairie and Winonia was so changed as to read as follows:
Commencing at a point on the line between Sections 4 and 5, Township 19, Range 25 west, where said line crosses King's River; thence north on said line to the southeast corner of Section 32, Township 20, Range 25; thence west to the southeast corner of Section 31, Township 20, Range 25; thence north to the southeast corner of Section 30; thence west one-half mile; thence north to King's River Township line; thence east to Prairie Township line."Franklin Township April 7, 1884, upon petition thirty-one citizens of Cedar Township, its division was order by a line " Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 1 Township 21, Range 26, on the Missouri State line; thence south to the southwest corner of Section 27, said township and rang thence east to the southeast corner of Section 29, Township 21; Range 25; thence north to the Missouri State line; thence west to the place of beginning." The new township received the name of Franklin.
Johnson Springs election district was formed July 14, 188 and includes "All of sections east of Eureka Springs, to the Prairie Town ship line; all south of Eureka Springs to Winonia Township line, Sections 9, 16 and north one-half of Section t all of Township 20 north, Range 26 west in Cedar Township except the corporation of Eureka Springs.
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