Aery, Edna F.------1902---1953
Aery, Lloyd B.--W.W.1----1894---1971
Aery, Martha E.------1853---1936
Aery, William A.------1852---1931
Armer, George M.-----1887---1940
Ary, Chas. M.------1877---1939
Ash.Irvin------Dec. 12, 1878--Nov.
10, 1895
Ash, John
Ash, Mary A.------Aug. 8, 1838--Nov.
11, 1914
Ash, Susan------Apr. 26, 1866--Dec.
20, 1886
Back to Index
Bailey, Baby Newton-----1916 ---1916
Baker, Alcetas E.--bro.of Mrs.
Geo. Barrett--1872---1941
Bandy, Baby boy------1923---1923
Bandy, Baby boy------1943---1943
Bandy, Claud------1898---1975
Bandy, Ethel(Nell)-----1902---1989
Bandy, Isaac B.--son (same grave
as K.M.)
Bandy, Kate B.--(same stone as
Wm. Lloyd)----1897----
Bandy, Katherine Mather (same grave
as Issac)
Bandy, Lester--son of W. &
T. K. --Aug. 16, 1910--Feb. 10, 1912 (same grave as Ralph)
Bandy, Louis Vaughn-----1934---1980
Bandy, Ralph--son of W. & T.
K.--May 22, 1920--Nov. 12, 1922 (same grave as Lester)
Bandy, Wm .Lloyd-W.W.1----1892---1952
Barrett, George H.-----Aug. 5,
1864--Aug. 9, 1917
Barrett, Ida Ruth------1894---1973
Barrett, Myrtie M.-----May 1873--June1960
Barrett, Ruth M.--dau. of Tracy
& Ida--1917---1924
Barrett, Tracy H.------1892---1955
Barrett, William--son of G. H .&
M. M.--1905---1912
Barton, Lelina------May 20, 1905--Oct.
17, 1907
Bates, Jessie H.------Jan. 1861--Feb.
Bates, Georg eD.--son of W. A.
& H.--1899---1918
Bates, William A.--husband of J.
? Beulaho, Richard-son of Robert
------July 9, 1940
(from list but not on cemetery
Biggerstaff, Della Riddle-----May
14, 1903--July 20, 1921
Biggerstaff, Flora M.-----1910---1981
Biggerstaff, Naoma-----July 12,
1870--Apr. 21, 1938
Biggerstaff, Wesley-----Dec. 12,
1903--Apr. 25, 1953
Bradley, George F.-same stone as
Bradley, Pearl L.------1887
Brooks, Edward--W.W.1----Feb. 16,
1894--June16, 1966
Brooks, Garland "Shorty"-same stone
as Virginia--May 10, 1898--May 20, 1966
Brooks, J .R.------1868---1948
Brooks, Mary E.------1868---1949
Brooks, Oscar "Blackie"
Brooks, Virginia Wright-----July
17, 1905
Brown, Jim------1890---1969
Brown, Edna--same stone as Jim---1901----
Burnett, Charles R.-same stone
as Miranda--Feb. 17, 1856--Jan. 2, 1945
Burnett, Miranda I.-----May 8,
1856--Apr. 30, 1926
Back to Index
Champlin, Bradley B.-----Oct.
29, 1867--Nov. 21.1959
Champlin, Don E.--baby------1957
Champlin, Edwin Lester-----1913---1969
Champlin, John D.-----March 29,
1871--June 29, 1961
Champlin, Effie B.-----Aug. 4,
1877--Feb. 25, 1963
Clark, William E.--Corp .Co F 9
ILL Inf Spanish American War
Cloud, Burwell--Civil War---Oct.
29, 1839--Oct. 28, 1917
Cloud, D. H.------Oct. 11, 1884--Dec.
18, 1948
Cloud, Sarah--(same stone as Bruwell)----Oct.
18, 1841--Apr. 27, 1919
Cloud, Sarah---------1935
Colvin, Gladys------1910---1935
Crane, Howard F.--W.W.2----July
6, 1917--June 1, 1968
Cunningham, P. H. Dick-----1878---1940
Back to Index
David, Virgil V.------1906---1982
Davis, Aaron-Co H 16 Mo Cav Civi
lWar--May 16, 1846--June12, 1926
Dowdy, F. L.------Apr. 26, 1872--Oct.
24, 1919
Drimlon, Cordelia A.-wife of David---May
10, 1850--Feb. 2, 1923
Drinnon, David M.--Co G Inf Ark
CiviL War---July 2, 1846--May 8, 1916
Drinmon, Elbert L.-----Feb. 22,
1875--Nov. 7, 1916
Edmondson, Albert J.-(same stone
as Ferby)--1850---1911
Edmondson, Aurie-----1882---1919
(from list but not on cemetery
Edmondson, Braxton-(same stone
as Susan)--1840---1924
Edmondson, C. C.-----Sept. 15,
1868--July 26, 1956
Edmondson, Charlie-(same stone
as Dorothy M.)-1928---1977
Edmondson, Charlie-(same stone
as Clara)--1880---1966
Edmondson, Charlie W.-----1922---1933
Edmondson, Clara-----1885---1939
Edmondson, Dalmer--(same as Ica
Edmondson, Della-----Dec. 18, 1911--Sept.
5, 1913
Edmondson, Dorothy M.-----1926---
Edmondson, Durward R.-(same stone
as Goldie)--1902---1967
Edmondson, Ferby Jane-----1851---1922
Edmondson, Goldie--------l908---
Edmondson, Ica Dola-infant (same
stone as Thos C.)----1919
Edmondson,-- Inf.dau.
Edmondson,-- Inf .son of D. &
Edmondson, -- Inf. sons of J. N.
Edmondson, Lewis C.-----Aug. 29,
1932--Aug. 29, 1932
Edmondson, Susan-----1844---1934
Edmondson, Thos. C.-infant----1911---1911
Elick, Demoin F.------Oct. 29,
1898--March 21, 1964
Elick, Rhoda A.------Apr. 30, 1905---
Ellis, Baby Jason Mitchell--------1978
Ellis, Telitha E. Barton-----1875---1953
Estep, Elizabeth M.-(same stone
as John)-----1896
Estep, John W.------1892---1983
Ethridge, Baby---------March 15,
Ethridge, Grace E.-----1888---1941
Ethridge, Nathan R.-----1885---1947
Back to Index
Ferguson, Elvina--wife (stone gone)
Fergueson, Fay--dau. of W. M.---Apr.
19, 1897--Apr. 16, 1915
Fergueson, Eldorah Maulding----1867---1959
Ferguson, Elec J.--(same stone
as Minnie)--1857--
Ferguson, Iris Louise-dau. of O.
O. & Ada--March 20, 1923--Jan. 18, 1926
Fergueson, J. L.--(same stone as
Zerelda)--Dec. 12, 1812--Apr. 6, 1899
Ferguson, Minne J.-----1859---1929
Ferguson, Telitha E.-(same stone
as Wm. M.)--1850---1917
Ferguson, Thomas C.-----Nov. 9,
1850--Nov. 22, 1909
Fergueson, Wm. M.-----1867---1936
Ferguson, William M.-(same stone
as Eldorah)--1845---1929
Fergueson, Zerelda-----Dec. 29,
1821--Dec. 10, 1907
Fitts, Z. W.--Co B 97 Ill Inf Civil
War--June1, 1837--March 24, 1903
Foreman, C. Erwin-W.W.1----Nov.
12, 1900--Jan. 15, 1965
Foster, Perry J.--(same stone as
Patricaia)--Feb. 26, 1936--Dec. 23, 1967
Foster, Patricia A.-----July 10,
Garrett, Etha Jane-----Dec. 21,
1897--Aug. 3, 1976
Garrett, John--(same stone as Etha)--May
15, 1876--June 21, 1956
Gay, Susan--wife of Elies---Feb.
1859--Sept. 1890
Gilbert, Albert--son of Annie---Nov.
18, 1893--Nov. 18, 1893
Gilbert, Carl--Inf son of W. J.
& Martha--Apr. 25, 1911--Apr. 25, 1911
Gilbert, George W.-----Jan. 9,
1888--Oct. 28, 1911
Gilbert, Tommie--son of Annie------1900
Gillum, Dora E.--dau. of J. C.
& M. E.--Nov. 15, 1881--Aug. 17, 1883
Gillum, James C.------Dec. 15,
1854--Apr. 10, 1888
Godard, Vivian E.-Age72 yrs.------May
14, 1975
Goldsmith, Arthia M.-(same stone
as Arthia)--1879---1966
Goldsmith, J. W.------July 21,
1875--Sept. 21, 1921
Goodwin, Gertrude K.-----1894---1972
Goodwin, Ursula E.-wife of G. M.---Aug.
24, 1889--Feb. 2, 1919
Gordon, George P.-(same stone as
Mary)--July 29, 1862--Aug. 20, 1938
Gordon, Mary E.------Oct. 17, 1862--Apr.
19, 1913
Griffith, Bessie B.-----1889---1974
Griffith, Earl G.------1900---1978
Back to Index
Hamilton, Garland-child----Sept.1,
1898--Oct. 17, 1898
Hamilton, Linda--(same stone as
Garland)--Nov. 28, 1861--Dec. 28, 1898
Hattenhauer, Anna-(same stone as
Hattenhauer, Annie Laura-----1881---June
2, 1963
Hattenhauer, Christopher-----1878---1958
Hattenhauer, Gus--40th CB CCM---1898---1983
Hattenhauer, Gustavus F.-Lt. Co
B 1st Ark Cav--1837---1901
Hattenhauer, H. J.-(same stone
as Gus & Velma)-1947---1973
Hattenhauer, Henry J.-(same stone
as Mahala)--1867---1935
Hattenhauer, Jack------1912---1983
Hattenhauer, Mahala A.-----1871---1951
Hattenhauer, Marvin G.-W.W.2----June
28, 1928--Jan. 29, 1952
Hattenhauer, Minta-----1874---1879
Hattenhauer, Monty E. "Slim"----1909---1960
Hattenhauer, Ruben B.-----Apr.
7, 1901--March 7, 1953
Hattenhauer, Sarah C.-----1854---1927
Hattenhauer, Velma R.-(see H. J.)---1908---1980
Hattenhauer, Wilber-----Sept. 17,
1895--March 19, 1918
Hill, Troy Deloss------1903---1968
Hill, William E.--(same stone as
Mary)--March 12, 1854--Feb. 22, 1934
Hill, Mary Annie------Apr. 5, 1866--Aug.
9, 1959
Hines, Anna E.------1890---1969
Heaney, Glenn--W.W.1----1892---1980
Heaney, Lyle M.--(same stone as
Houston, Joseph A.-son of J. A.
& S. E.--Jan. 11, 1904--Sept. 22, 1912
Hubbard, Paul--Age 81/2 months---March
26, 1916--Dec. 13, 1916
Back to Index
Jackson, A .L.
Jackson, Acileenel I.-----March
22, 1894--Nov. 14, 1961
Jackson, Dr. Alvah-(same stone
as Nancy)--July 25, 1806--May 21, 1880
Jackson, Alva W.--son of J. F.
& M. E.--Jan. 2, 1880--Sept. 8, 1863
(same stone as Floar V.)
Jackson, Andrew W.-----June 7,
1849--Oct. 8, 1912
Jackson, C. A.------July 22, 1874--Feb.
28, 1913
Jackson, Calvin E.-----Sept. 13,
1854--May 7, 1905
Jackson, Elizabeth-wife of A. W.---Dec.
18, 1848--Sept. 11, 1911
Jackson, Flora V.--dau. of J. F.
& M. E.--Feb. 16, 1862--Sept. 12, 1863
Jackson, George O.-----Jan. 18,
1877--Apr. 12, 1914
Jackson, --Inf. son of A. W. &
E.-----June 23, 1873
Jackson, Dr. J. F.--(same stone
as M.E.)--Jan. 21, 1834--Oct. 21, 1893
Jackson, L. A.------Oct. 25, 1842--Nov.
2, 1863
Jackson, John L. C.-son of J. M.
& M. J.--Feb. 23, 1873--Feb. 14, 1880
Jackson, James M.-Age 52 yrs. 10
months 15days-(b.1849)--July 29, 1902
Jackson, M.
Jackson, M. C.------July 26, 1878--Apr.
14, 1958
Jackson, M. E.--wife of J. F.---July
28, 1831--July 12, 1901
Jackson, Mary--wife of W. F.---1826---1880
Jackson, Mary J.--wife of J. M.---Oct.
3, 1841--Dec. 22, 1884
Jackson, Nancy--wife of A. J.---Oct.
2, 1807--Sept. 10, 1875
Jackson, Thomas A.-----Sept .6,
1886--June 23, 1906
Jackson, W. F.------May 22, 1828--Apr.
8, 1892
Janes, Freddie--son of W. R. &
E.---Nov. 1, 1900--Oct. 28, 1901
Jobes, George O.--Co D 69 Ind Inf---1832---1915
Johnson, James Arvil-W.W.2----Nov.
18, 1919--July 15, 1955
Johnson, Lizzia--(same stone as
William L.)--Aug. 2, 1878--Dec. 29, 1968
Johnson, Wm. Clyde-----1902---1978
Johnson, William L.-----Aug. 2,
1879--Aug. 18, 1949
Back to Index
Keeland, Mary E.--wife of J. H.---Oct.
15, 1848--Nov. 25, 1910
9, 1940
Lee, Donald J.------1925---1941
Lee, Geo. B.--(same stone as Mary)--Sept.
20, 1864--
Lee, Mary A------May 9, 1866--Apr.
19, 1930
Back to Index
McCall, Clara--(same stone as Lin)--March
28, 1891--1980
McCall, Lin------Feb. 9, 1886--Jan.
24, 1958
McDonald, Frank H.-(same stone
as Mary)--1890---1970
McDonald, Mary Mae-----1897---1972
McElyea, D. G. (Mutt)-(same stone
as Gladys C.)--1910---1980
McElyea, Dora E.-(same stone as
John D.)--1874---1958
McElyea, Evel------1902---1951
McElyea, Gladys C.-----1914---
McElyea, John D.------1870---1960
Marshall, Ada Bandy-----1895---1924
Marshall, Emma------1899---1937
Martin, Billy------Oct.17, 1939--Oct.17,
Matlock, Mrs. Pully P.-----Sept.
25, 1800--Dec. 5, 1884
Maulding, Adeline-----Sept. 30,
1852--Feb. 21, 1913
Maulding, Ambrose-----Aug. 24,
1829--Feb. 18, 1914
Maulding, Susan Lee-----March 20,
1870--March 4, 1963
Maulding, Wesley-----Feb. 15, 1855--May
4, 1900
Miller, Grace Lee------March 5,
1903--July 21, 1941
Miller, Iva V.--(same stone as
Miller, John T.------July 1877--Aug.
7, 1975
Miller, Paul S.------1847---1920
Miller, Ruby Way-2 months------1920
Mitchell, Edwin R.-----1873---1954
Montgomery, John Wm.-(same stone
as Nellie)--1884---1960
Montgomery, Nellie Daly-----1892---1980
Motherwell, Genevieve Northup----1879---1977
Motherwell, Thomas Norman----May
26, 1908--Aug. 1992
Back to Index
Owens, Allie--(same stone as Owen)--March
31, 1866--May 3l, 1938
Owens, Owen R.------Feb. 9, 1865--Oct.
7, 1926
Owens, Roy--Inf .son of O. R. &
A. W.--Sept. 29, 1902--Jan. 29, 1904
Back to Index
Park, Susie H.------Feb. 27, 1893--Jan.
16, 1915
Pearson, M. M.------Dec. 18, 1860--Sept.
18, 1894
Perry, George A.--son of E. J.
& E. A.--1868---1872
Peters, Baby girl------1932---1932
Peters, James Oliver-(same stone
as Mary)--1892---1955
Peters, Mary Elizabeth-----1888---
Peters, William R.-son of J. O.
& Mary--May 8, 1919--Sept. 18, 1920
Porter, ---Inf. son of Troy &
Blanche-----Aug. 28, 1932
Puckett, Joseph E.-(same stone
as Francis)--1926---1982
Puckett, Francis J.-----1927---1982
Purviance, Eva------1857---1937
Purviance, Harry D.-----1888---1946
Purviance, Sidney-----1862---1932
Pyatt, Baby
Pyatt, Bobbie Hansen-----1917---1977
Pyatt, Billie------1922---1939
Pyatt, Infant---------1937
Back to Index
Quinn, Dr. A. E.--Age 72 yrs. No
stone just a rock----March 21, 1910
Quinn, Ursula T.--no stone or date------1928
Quinn, 2 babies--(Howard is name
of one)
Quinn, Carl--baby son of G. &
J.--Jan. 29, 1916--Feb. 16, 1916
Quinn, Fredd--------------.Aug.
Quinn, Gertie W.------July 17,
1891--July 3, 1975
Quinn, John C.------Sept. 15, 1888--May
25, 1963
Ray, Carrie B.------Jan. 9, 1889--Oct.
29, 1911
Ray, Chas. M.--(same stone as Mary)--Jan.
14, 1860--March 25, 1936
Ray, Mary------Sept. 25, 1860--March
13, 1927
Ray, D. L .R. Bob
Ray, Jack L.--W.W.2----1925---1981
Ray, John E.--(same stone as Ida)--Sept.
18, 1886--Jan. 25, 1962
Ray, Ida M.------Nov. 29, 1899----
Ray, Lonnie------Jan. 1, 1873--March
11, 1905
Ray, Minnie------July 13, 1879--Jan.
10, 1908
Ray, Susan J.------Dec. 12, 1839--Apr.
29, 1914
Richardson, Sara A.-----1847---1939
Roberson, Mrs N. J.-dau. of A.
& N. J.---Apr. 28, 1845--Nov. 27, 1868
Robinson, W. L.------Feb. 14, 1868--June14,
Ross, Baby
Russell, Frances E.-----1858---1947
Russell, John Riley-(same stone
as Janie)--1878---1960
Russell, Janie------1889---1970
Russell, Marion J.-----1885---1943
Russell, Roy A.--(same stone as
Ruth)--Apr. 25, 1900--Apr. 29, 1969
Russell, Ruth L.---------Feb. 1,
Russell, W. A.------March 6, 1854--Jan.
6, 1926
Rullman, Louis W.-----Apr. 7, 1856--March
14, 1923
Back to Index
Savage, Adeline--(no stone known)---1856---1943
(Right back almost to the fence,
to left of double oak tree)
Savage, Polly------1819---1903
Schuldt, Eloise O.-(same stone
as William)--1912---1958
Schuldt,William M.-----1912---1968
Smith, Bertha Cooper-----1886---1971
Smith, Emma--(same stone as Willie)--1875---1943
Smith, Grace McElyea-(same stone
as John)--1896
Smith, John Bennett-----1895---1980
Smith, Nancy Jane-----1898---1984
Smith, Willie------1868---1952
Snellson, G. W.--grandson of G.
W. Wright--March 10, 1893--Dec. 1, 1905
South, David--Co F Reg Ind Vol---Apr.
25, 1837--March 13, 1919
Sparks, Lee A.------1906---1979
Sparks, Matilda------March 8, 1858--March
18, 1928
Standlee, Bessie A.-(same stone
as Johnny S.)--1892---1978
Standlee, John L.--(same stone
as Rebecca)--Feb. 26, 1860--March 20, 1924
Standlee, Johnny S.-----1892---1920
Standlee, Letha F.-(same stone
a Thomas)--1898---1974
Standlee, Rebecca-----Nov. 19,
1859--March 11, 1955
Standlee, Thomas M.-----1898---1974
Stout, Joseph Burton-----June 22,
1875--July 10, 1949
Summers, Fay E.------July 29, 1902--Aug.
14, 1931
Back to Index
Taggart, Fannie------1847---1928
Taggart, Samuel O.-Co KT Reg Il
lVol--March 24, 1845--Aug. 14, 1909
Thompson, B.F.--(same stone as
Thompson, Cecil D.-----Dec. 3,
1897--Apr. 19, 1949
Thompson, Frank N.-----1889---1965
Thompson, Nancy E.-----1875---1957
Thrall, Grace A.------1887---1952
Thurman, Ardath May-----1903---1917
Tomlison, Jacob W.-----1908---1982
Back to Index
Vaughn, Phillip Jason-----May 7,
1971--March 27, 1973
Walker, Albert W.-son of B. M. &
M. E. Age 5 months----1913
Walke, Rev. Dan H.-(same stone
a Julia)--Oct. 6, 1849--Oct. 28, 1936
Walker, Julia C.------March 16,
1852--March 20, 1886)
Walker, Mildred E.-wife of F. H-.--Oct.
11, 1882--Nov. 23, 1914
Ward, Mary--Age 89 yrs------Dec.
9, 1969
Warren, --Graves, but no individual
Warren, --Baby boy of R. B.
Warren, Bissel E.--(same stone
as Ida)--1907---1969
Warren, Buford Wane-----Nov. 29,
1941--June 10, 1942
Warren, Claud E.------1887---1952
Warren, Clifford E.-W.W.2----Sept.
8, 1918--March 4, 1972
Warren, Eliza------Apr. 3, 1852--Apr.
5, 1943
Warren, Elizabeth-wife of J. W.---June
28, 1828--Dec. 28, 1898
Warren, Elizabeth-(same stone as
Warren Ida E.---------1905
Warren, J. W.------March 4, 1823--Apr.
28, 1903
Warren, James T.------Oct. 14,
1845--Apr. 26, 1920
Warren, Jasper------1870---1934
Warren, Jewel------Dec .21, 1941--March
20, 1942
Warren, Johnny--W.W.2----May 16,
1926--Feb. 11, 1948
Warren, Martha Ann-(same stone
as Willie)--1893
Warren, Q. C.------March 6, 1897--Oct.
22, 1905
Warren, R. T.------Jan. 22, 1848--Oct.
8, 1918
Warren, Ray Dean-----June 18.1933--June
19, 1951
Warren, Robert--son of R. T. &
D. P.--1888---1889
Warren, Willie Edd-----1891---1986
White, Robert W.--W.W.2----Jan.
1, 1917--Nov. 23, 1973
White, Helen S.--(same stone as
Whiteley, John------Jan.
7, 1923--Dec. 29, 1923
Whiteley, Monroe-----March 19,
1877--March 28, 1942
Whiteley, Nora------June 27, 1879--Jan.
26, 1969
Whiteley, Shalbey (Haley?)----1848---1905
Whitney, C. D.--(same stone as
Whitney, Nina Frances-----1947---
Willoughby, Louisa M.-----1860---1933
Wood, Artie------1886---1949
Wood, Benton------1876---1905
Wood, Billy------May 1, 1921--Sept.
17, 1939
Wood, Harvey------1883---1963
Wood, Louis C.--W.W.2----Apr. 11,
1908--Aug. 13, 1951
Wood, Sam T.------June 6, 1865--Aug.
Wood, Alberta------Aug. 6, 1877--May
15, 1957
Wright, Alfred G.--son of J. R.
& M. E.--Aug. 25, 1878--Sept. 18, 1888
Wright, Blodwen Owens-(same stone
as Clarence)--Feb. 27, 1897--June 20, 1987
Wright, Brentley--(same stone as
Elizabeth)--June 30, 1851--June 17, 1901
Wright, C. M.------Apr. 5, 1885--Nov.
10, 1907
Wright, Clarence A.-----Aug. 11,
Wright, Cynthia Henson-(same stone
as Ruth)--Sept. 8, 1882--Oct. 3, 1973
Wright, Elizabeth------Nov. 14,
1849--May 18, 1925
Wright, Dr. Ellis------May 27,
1872--Oct. 13, 1903
Wright, Eula M.
Wright, Doue(?)------Jan. 3, 1875--Oct.
13, 1903
Wright, Floyd L.--(same stone as
Mary L.)--1897---1982
Wright, Fred D.------1898---1953
Wright, Gary Miller-son of Homer
& Amanda--1932---1945
Wright, George W.-----Aug. 22,
1837--Sept. 12, 1907
Wright, Homer Douglas-----Dec.
7, 1903--Dec. 8, 1962
Wright, ---Inf. son of C. A. &
B. J.-----July 17, 1917
Wright, James C.------1830---1858
Wright, James G.------Feb. 2, 1830--Jan.
20, 1858
Wright, James T.--(same stone as
Matilda)--Feb. 18, 1872--Feb. 26, 1959
Wright, John Dixon-----Oct. 22,
1870--Nov. 6, 1839
Wright, Kemneth--son of L. B. Age
2 months--Apr. 23, 1908--July 14, 1908
Wright, Lena------Oct. 7, 1901--Nov.
27, 1916
Wright, Louise Ann-Dau. of Floyd
& Mary-----Aug. 24, 1931
Wright, Louis F.--son of J. B.
& M. E.--1876---1877
Wright, Lovie E.------1879---1949
Wright, Mamie L.-----May 10, 1899--March
Wright, Mary L.------1904---1979
Wright, Matilda R.-----March 3,
1872--Aug. 19, 1947
Wright, Nancy D.------Nov. 23,
1825--Dec. 23, 1872
Wright, Ruth Elizabeth-(sister
to Cynthia)---Apr. 24, 1884--Apr. 7, 1990
Wright, Wm. R.--son of J. B. &
M. E.--1873---1874
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