Carroll County Arkansas
Cemetery Listings


Gobbler Cemetery

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Tombstone inscriptions for Gobbler Cemetery transcribed from Cemetery listings of the Carroll County Historical Society by Tom Sisco . Send all Corrections to Keeper of the Keys.

Located on Hwy. 412 between Osage and Alpena. Listing done by Roxie Fultz Phillips.

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U-Z


Abernathy, Walter------Dec.27,1902--Dec. 27, 1967
Alderson, Arm----------1875------1948
Alderson, Armstead
Alderson, Burr----------Nov. 9, 1884--Jan. 1, 1905
Alderson, Dolly-------- 1904--1906
Alderson, Eliza --------1869--1959
Alderson, Flossie-------1907--1907
Alderson, Lake----------1864-1935
Alderson, Malinda Doss
Alderson, Charlie------1888--1920

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Baker, Jessee--------
Bishop, Lassie Bell------June 22, 1889--Aug. 17, 1892
Black, John
Blackborn, M ike
Boatright, Maudie May--Dec. 16, 1897--March 7, 1899
Boone, Infant
Brown, Jennie Green
Brown, Tom
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Great Grandparents of Janie Phillips
Carr, Helen Hammons----1921------1942
Chard, Mertie----Aug. 8, 1880----June 12, 1950
Clayborn,Bird Ellen Fultz----1879--May 5, 1958
Cochran, Mellie Phillips------Nov. 2, 1886-- Feb. 7, 1973
Collins, Arthur------1915----1966
Collins, Jimmy Ray-------June 23, 1947----Nov 16, 1948
Conner, Crandall----------Feb. 5, 1914----June 28, 1968
Conner, James------Apr. 23, 1896----Sept. 29, 1970
George Daniel Conner   (George has only a Veterans stone)--19 APR 1915 -- 1 MAY 1985 (corrected via email)
Daniel 'JD' Conner  (JD has no stone, at this time) - 8 JAN 1968 -- 17 DEC 2006 (corrected via email)
Conner, Kenneth J------1908----1975
Conner, Tiff------Nov. 2, 1888----June 13, 1969
Connor, Jess------Jan. 12, 1900---- Apr. 1, 1968
Connor , Mary--------------1948
Connor, Ollie------1891----1960
Cope, Fannie Usrey------Nov 27, 1900----Oct 16, 1922
Corbett, Lennie Webb Turner------Feb. 21, 1918----Apr. 5,1973
Cox, Alice Frances------Oct. 15, 1840----Jan. 29, 1925
Craig, John----------1870?------1925
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Dale, Kate M. Sparks-------Feb. 16,1919----Dec. 28,1973
Davidson, Children
Davidson, Howard---------------1949
Davidson, Lina E.------1901----1960
Davidson, William---------------1933
Davis, Betty Hammons------1936----1962
Davis, Joy--------Aug. 25, 1931----Jan. 24,1977
DeHart, Amma M.--------1839------1927
DeWeese, Albert----------1896------1897
DeWeese, Amy------------1914------1915
DeWeese, Child
DeWeese,-- Child of Bill & Vada
DeWeese, Ellis----------July 28, 1886----Oct. 29, 1942
DeWeese, Emma Roberts--------1885----1962
DeWeese, Ernest ---------------------------July 4, 1946
DeWeese,Two Infants-------------1914---1920
DeWeese,J. Wayman------Jan. 2, 1907----June 19, 1946----
DeWeese, Liz Youngblood
DeWeese, Loy-------------Jan. 19,1911----March 4,1975
DeWeese, Parcia Roberts---------1877----1962
DeWeese, Rebecca--------Apr. 5, 1848----Apr. 11, 1914
DeWeese, Silliam------------------1864-----1942
DeWeese, Thomas J.---------------1872------1958
DeWeese, Tim-------------Sept. 15, 1877----Nov. 9, 1949
DeWeese, Tommy W.--------------1963------1963
DeWeese, Wagmon ----------------1848------1914
Dickard, Nelson (Nelce Dickard)
Doss , Infant

Elrod, Child
Emitt Charles L.--------------------1882----Oct, 1, 1956
Emert, Essieca. ---------------------ca.189------11933
Emitt , Joyce Faye----------------------------Apr. 7, 1955
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Fancher, Hallie C----------Jan 25, 1887---Jan 27, 1910
Follet, Mr.
Friday, Adam-----------------------1876----1942
Friday, Mollie Cope--------1876------1964
Fultz, Mary A.----------March 8, 1848----Nov 7, 1910
Fultz, Aaron----------1903------1903
Fultz, Belle----------1869------1955
Fultz, Three children
Fultz, W. Dean----------Jan 1, 1940----Feb. 5, 1958
Fultz, Elza Lafate----------1849------1898
Fultz, Henry Earl--------May 5,1935----March 15,1967
Fultz,infants-- Two infants of John & Belle
Fultz, J. D.----------------------------1938
Fultz, Jim
Fultz, Joe N.----------July 27, 1932----Aug. 11, 1971
Buried in King City, CA. then moved to Gobbler Aug. 4, 1975.
Fultz, John R.----------1870------1951
Fultz, Joseph B.--------Sept 12, 1876----Feb. 10, 1909
Fultz, Lillie Jewel-------1905------1936
Fultz, Nancy----------ca. 1874------1886
Fultz, Sam----------------1881------1914
Fultz, Sharren & Karron------------1948
Fultz, Sylvia May--------Dec. 18,1906----July 26,1972
Fultz, T.
Fultz, W. Jewel----------Nov. 21, 1935----Dec. 8,1976
Fultz, Wilburn R.---------1883------1926
Fultz, Will R.--------------1891------1963
Fultz, William M.---------March 19,1894----Sept. 3,1974
Fultz, Willie---------------1897------1938

Green,Arthur--------------1878------July 1957
Age 78 yrs.
Griffin, James Edd--------Oct 20, 1911----Apr. 24, 1948
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Haag, George--------------1909------1964
Haag, Haleen Sisco-------Feb. 2, 1919----Aug. 23, 1973
Hailey, Goldie Hightower--------1894------1913
Hammons, George--------1855------1935
Hammons, Child of Fate
Hammons, Clyne----------June 30, 1919----March 8, 1971
Hammons,Jane A.---------March 15, 1821----July 19, 1876
Hammons, Nerva
Hammons, Homer C.------Dec. 31, 1890----Aug. 6, 1956
Hammons, Rosie----------Sept. 7, 1824----Sept 13, 1874
Hammons, W. C.----------May 26, 1851----Dec. 26, 1874
Hammons, Will
Hanby, Mary F.----------Oct. 29, 1872----July 12, 1943
Havierton, Nelda Nadine-------------------1937
Hester, Mary--Sister to Martha Smith
Hightower, Janie Phillips-------1873------1902
Hirst, Charley
Hirst, Francie---------------------1871------1942
Hitowers, --
Holliway, Lizzie
Hoover, Orval H.--son of J. B. & Cliffie----------1922
Howard, Allen C----------.Jan. 1,1895----Aug. 19,1970
Howard, Belle (Margaret Isabell Walker)----Dec. 5, 1855----May 7, 1933
Howard, Betty Jane
Howard, Doris Usrey--------Apr. 9, 1921----Apr 11, 1977
Howard,Edna Gage--------March 10, 1898----Dec. 5, 1968
Howard, Iva Sue
Howard,Lee Roy----------July 25, 1943----March 22, 1970
Howard,Mary Jane Wilson--------Jan. 13, 1936----Nov. 12, 1976
Howard,Messie Miller--------1878------1951
Howard,Miles----------June 4, 1854----Dec. 10, 1938
Howard,Myrtle----------Dec. 23, 1901----March 25, 1976
Howard, Olney V.--------May  4,1898----Oct. 5, 1977
Howard, Ota Jewel Sisco--------Nov. 26, 1895----Jan. 7,1916
Howerton, Alvin L.--------Nov. 27, 1925----July 28, 1950
Howerton, BruceW. W. 2--------1926------1946
Howerton, Clyde M.--------Dec. 30, 1915----Nov. 13, 1973
Howerton, Eb----------Dec. 26, 1895----Feb. 12, 1970
Howerton, Edd----------------1900
Howerton, Fred----------Dec. 31, 1886----June 23, 1975
Howerton, Fred F.--------Feb. 22, 1899----Jan. 22, 1977
Howerton, Infant----------------1907
Howerton, Louisa Miller--------1860------1940
Howerton, Manerva--------1863------1906
Howerton, Mattie----------1874------1960
Howerton, Myrta B.--------July 20, 1895----Oct. 3, 1973
Howerton, N. B.----------1858------1932
Howerton, Phebe----------1903------1948
Howerton, Rickey Lee--------1917------1917
Howverton, Will----------1882------1896
Hudspeth, A. W.Co. 1 3 Ark. Inf. C. O. A.
Hudspeth, M Marie
Hudspeth, Mary J.--------1864------1914
Hurst, Athold----------Apr. 17,1904----Jan. 28,1972
Hurst , Frank rank--------1852------1912
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Ionnou, Simos E. (Ted) Jr.--------Sept. 9, 1957----Apr. 1, 1975

Jones, Allen----------July  4, 1897----Dec. 24, 1975
Jane, John
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Keck, Two children
Keck, Ree Whiteley--------Feb. 22,1902----Apr. 8, 1969
Keck, Seldine ----------1867------1921
Keck, Stephen----------1859------192 1
Keck, Walter----------1893------1956
Keen, Coy H.----------July 1894----Dec. 30,1973
Keen, John----------1876------1908
Keen, Mae Gage----------March 5, 1896----Sept. 3, 1974
Keen, Martha----------Oct. 15, 1866----July 23, 1945
Keen, Oscar----------March 7,1896----Aug. 1,1974
Keen, Reg T. R.----------May 14, 1866----1946

Lee, Infant
Lee, Thomas
Co. F M H C--
Lindsey, Zachariah W.--------Dec 29, 1877---- Oct. 15, 1888
Lively, William----------1895------1963
Logan, Rhoda----------1838------1928
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McCollough, Berdert--------1927------1927
McCollough, Clifford--------------1909
McCollough, Elva Alderson------Dec. 4, 1909----July 27, 1972
McCollough, Ida B.--------Dec 24, 1882----Feb. 21, 1955
McCollough, Infant --dau. of B. P. & Mary--------Oct. 21, 1942,
McCollough, Lester L.--------Jan. 17, 1885----Feb. 14, 1957
McCollough, Thelma--------------1913
McCollough, Twins--------1931------1931
McMillen, Infant
McMillen, S . T .----------1845------1930
Madison, Nannie E. Elrod--------1876------1961
May, Abram----------Oct. 19, 1886----July 2, 1946
May, Blane----------June, 20, 1926----June 21, 1934
Merrill, Jane Fultz--------1891------1962
Miller,Albert----------Aug. 18, 1857----Apr. 1, 1919
Miller, Albert Ross
Miller,Alex----------March 4, 1821----Nov. 21, 1877
Miller,Annie J. King--------Sept. 26, 1897----Dec. 3,1973
Miller,Archie----------Jan. 18, 1884---- Jan. 12, 1969
Miller,Betty Lou----------1937------1938
Miller, Billy Ray----------Jan. 3, 1931----March 13, 1977
Miller,Burr----------Feb. 1, 1895----July 16, 1974
Miller,Cleburn Ray--------------1918
Miller,Dee----------May 22, 1879 ----Feb. 1, 1955
Miller, Denvie----------1902------1904
Miller,Elva T.----------Jan. 19, 1916----Oct. 17, 1916
Miller, Esther Ruth--------Feb. 15, 1901----March 27, 1977
Miller,Howard----------------Apr. 5, 1959
Age 64 yrs 4 mos.21 datys
Miller,Ida Mae----------------Jan. 19, 1960
Age 67 yrs. 4 mos. 24 days
Miller,J. D.----------1862------1900
Miller,James T.----------Jan. 30, 1886----Dec 10, 1958
Miller,Jasper----------------March 1928
Age 81 yrs.
Miller,Jesse----------March 6, 1890----Aug. 14, 1976
Miller,Jessie Carl
Miller,John P.----------Jan. 20, 1866----Oct. 20, 1911
Miller,Louzana Belle--------July 18, 1889 ----Jan 27, 1938
Miller,Mahalia----------March 16, 1825----Dec. 25, 1908
Miller,Mary Rosa Lee--------1928------1928
Miller, Mary Sims--------1873------1962
Miller, Mary W.----------Dec. 1, 1858----Apr. 3, 1942
buried next to Albert
Miller, Maud----------Nov. 15, 1879----Nov. 16, 1937
Miller, Maud----------Oct. 2, 1885----Apr. 3, 1934
(Mrs. A. L. Miller)
Miller, Minnie----------1879------1880
Miller, Mona----------1882------1956
Miller, Nancy J. Hammons--------Jan. 17, 1855----Jan. 14, 1916
Miller, Narcissus A. Williams
Miller, Oliver
Miller, Oney B.----------1881------1963
Miller, Opal Casebolt--------1912------1935
Miller, Otas----------1912------1914
Miller, Pearl E.----------March 28, 1894----Oct. 31, 1955
Miller, Raymond----------------1907
Miller, Robert Ray
Miller, Stella----------1880------1899
Miller, Tom----------1875------1885
Miller, Tom----------1854------1929
Miller, Vicy Roberts--------1882------1962
Miller, W. M.----------Feb. 12, 1853----Jan. 3, 1908
Miller, Wesley----------1871------1936
Miller, William
Miller, William C.--------May  2, 1908----June 1, 1908
Miller, Willie T.----------March 27, 1873----Sept. 6, 1949
Miller, Winston Burr--------1936------1936
Morris, Child----------------1921
Morris, Cleburn----------July 31, 1921----Dec. 9, 1936
Morris, Herman----------------1922
Morris, Joe Ann----------Sept. 24, 1939----Oct. 8, 1939
Morris, Seba W.----------Feb. 12,1891----Jan. 29, 1976
Moss, Anna----------------Sept. 4, 1960
Age 61 yrs 9 months 26 days
Moss, Caroline Sisco--------1852------1920
Moss, Child
Moss, Earl----------March 3, 1896----Nov. 1, 1974
Moss, John----------1855------1921
Moss, May----------1883------1951
Moss, Peel----------1889------1965
Myers, Charles E.--------1868------1936
Myers, Mattie Wilson--------Aug. 9, 1880----Sept. 27, 1976
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Newby, James E.----------March 31, 1892----Sept. 26, 1969
Newby, Zela----------Feb. 7, 1940----Nov. 7, 1940
Norris, Rachel Jane--------1857------1888

Overmon, Lonnie James--------1944------1944
Overmon, Shiron Fern--------1939------1939
Owens, Elizabeth----------May 22,1807----Nov. 22,1880
Owens,Wash----------June 7, 1811----June 16, 1874
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Phillips, Arey  S.----------June 22, 1881----Dec. 22, 1959
Phillips, Chloraine--------March 6, 1928----July 7, 1929
Phillips,Cline Harold-------- Jan. 27, 1927----Feb. 24, 1927
Phillips,Elizabeth----------Dec. 25, 1843----March 28, 1943
Phillips,H. Melvin--------Jan. 18, 1938----Nov. 7, 1973
Phillips,James A.----------Apr. 16, 1878----Jan. 24, 1945
Phillips,James Harold--------Feb. 14, 1944----Apr. 29, 1959
Phillips,James Lee--------July 27, 1930----Sept. 3, 1930
Phillips,Jimmy ----------1873------1878
Phillips,John P.----------Apr. 16, 1854----Sept. 17, 1927
Phillips,Julie Ann Fultz--------1885------Dec. 26, 1956
Phillips,Lola Dickard--------1880------1962
Phillips,M. G.----------Feb. 4, 1846----May 17, 1898
Phillips,Mary A.----------Nov. 18, 1878----Aug. 26, 1905
Phillips,Mary E.----------1909------1911
Phillips,Merthia----------March 12, 1899----March 28, 1900
Phillips,Ollie E.----------1923------1923
Phillips,Sarah A.----------May 5, 1852----Nov. 1, 1901
Phillips,Vernon F.--------1906------1961
Phillips,William----------Sept. 5, 1840----Nov. 15, 1905
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Redmon, Kenner----------1907------1911
Redmon, Ola----------1914------1916
Redmon, Sarah Fultz--------1887------1915
Reeves, Jefferson R.--------June 6, 1906----March 19, 1974
Ringler, Emma----------1869------1938
Roberts, Harold D.--------Dec. 1914----Apr. 1, 1976
Roberts, Jay  P.----------Jan. 22, 1896----Feb. 23, 1976
Roberts, John P.----------1854------1924
Roberts, Lou J.----------1860------1933
Roberts, William Parker--------Apr. 22, 1890----Nov 8, 1956
Roberts, Vinnie----------Nov. 11,1890----Apr. 6,1958
Russell, Infant
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Saffers, Jane----------1856------1938
Saint Mier, Carl----------1891------1948
Seitz, Claud----------June 25, 1895----June 12, 1975
Seitz, Hubert Clay--------1921------1922
Seitz, Vinnie C. Miller--------March 23, 1898----Nov. 28, 1949
Sells, Frank E.----------1877------June 18, 1949
Shackelford, Bert O.--------Aug. 3, 1908----Feb. 4, 1975
Shackelford, Clarence Henderson------Dec. 23, 1929----March 17, 1950
Shackelford, Ernest Eugene------Mar 17, 1940----May 25, 1949
Shelton,  --
Shelton, Andrew----------1847------1933
Shelton, Nancy----------1851------1928
Shram, Child
Shrum,Dave----------March 4, 1872----Dec 4, 1940
Shrum,Lizzie----------Nov. 11, 1867----Dec. 7, 1938
Shrum,Nora----------Jan. 2, 1897----June 23, 1904
Shrum,Sarah E.----------Sept 12, 1844----June 2, 1893
Simpson, James----------Aug. 27, 1869----Apr. 11, 1948
Simpson, Tom
Sisco, Albert----------1879------1934
Sisco, Angeline
Sisco, Bell----------1862------1927
Sisco, Caroline----------1852------192?
Sisco, Child
Sisco, Elmer J.----------Dec. 10, 1889----July 20, 1951
Sisco, Emma----------1878------1942
 Co. A Ark. Cavalry  Crawford's
8 months
Sisco,John H.----------1846------1929
Sisco,John H.----------Jan. 22, 1863----Nov 4, 1927
Sisco, Mack
Sisco,Mary ----------1824------1909
Sisco,Mary Cullander
Sisco,Massa Seitz--------Feb. 9, 1887----Oct. 22, 1901
Sisco,Nettie Lue----------May 26, 1925----June 1, 1927
Sisco, Ollie
Sisco, Patsy----------Feb. 6, 1845----Sept. 27, 1918
Sisco, Twins
Sisco, Will F----------Nov. 4, 1865----Jan 20, 1923
Skelton, Sarah----------1869------1970
Smith,Artha Usrey--------Oct. 15, 1911----June 6, 1970
Smith,Beacher----------Nov. 23, 1882----Sept. 8, 1888
Smith,Blarney----------Apr. 13, 1896----Feb. 4, 1889
Three children of Wm. & Mattie
Smith,Daniel R.----------March 7, 1837----Aug. 18, 1902
Smith,Ella Miller----------1876------1965
Smith,I. B.----------------Oct. 13, 1832
Smith,Imogene----------Feb. 1, 1926----Oct. 7, 1928
Smith,J. O. Poiner
Smith,J. R.----------July, 27, 1875----Dec. 22, 1952
Smith,Jennie----------Dec. 20, 1858----Oct. 24, 1888I
Smith,Joseph B.----------1881------1889
Smith,Martha A.----------Aug. 5, 1844----Dec. 7, 1908
Smith, Mattie J.----------1849------1944
Smith, Rachel Phillips--------1832------1855
Smith, Samuel B.----------Aug. 26, 1870----Jan. 19, 1876
Smith, Miss Sue----------Oct. 20, 1862 ----1880
Smith, William----------1833------1910
Sparks, Herbert----------June 2, 1914----Feb. 8, 1975
Sparks,James M.---------- Nov. 19, 1887----June 24, 1973
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Taylor, Minnie----------1850------Oct. 25, 1930
Thomason, Bobby Dale--------June 11, 1958----June 15, 1958
Thomason, Mattie June -- 28 Oct 1933 - 31 Oct 2007
Thompson,Charley--------Sept. 12, 1894----July 9, 1913
Thompson,Hiram----------March 13, 1911----Apr. 22, 1914
Thompson,Lester----------May 13, 1904----Aug. 27, 1913
Turner, --
Turner,Edward----------Feb. 15, 1903----Dec. 29, 1958
Turner, Nora----------July  31, 1884----Apr. 19, 1971
Turner,Paul J.----------Apr. 18, 1915----Nov 21, 1953.
Turner,William W.--------1880------1952
Tuttle,William E.----------Oct. 4, 1885----June 8, 1973
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Usrey, Alice----------July 14, 1883----Feb. 2, 1923
Usrey, Austin----------1889------1966
Usrey, Bill----------1900------1965
Usrey, Dora L. Morris--------Dec. 8, 1885----Feb. 28,1975
Usrey, Fines----------Jan. 7, 1907----March 3, 1908
Usrey, Frank----------1862------Feb. 27, 1955
Age 93, yrs.
Usrey,Frank----------March 19, 1899----Apr. 14, 1936
Usrey, Janie----------1871------1960
Usrey,Martha----------------Jan. 21, 1953
Age 84 yrs.
Usrey,Nora----------Dec. 16,1880----May 16,1968
Usrey,Ophelia Howerton--------Jan. 16,1895----Sept. 1,1970
Usrey, Raymond----------Aug. 16, 1914 ----Apr. 28, 1940
Usrey, Robert----------1871------1964
Usrey, Robert Ray--------June 4, 1918----Nov. 20, 1921
Usrey, Sam----------March 18, 1864----June 29, 1956
Usrey, Shirley Ann--------May 23, 1940----July 1940
Usrey, Stella----------1902------1913
Usrey, T. F.----------Feb. 2, 1878----Oct. 15, 1939

Waldrop, Edgar W.--------1928------1928
Waldrop, Emma----------1909------1933
Waldrop, Perminta--------May 20, 1905----Feb. 11, 1969
Walker, Betty Jane--------------May 9, 1960
Age 70 yrs. 27 days
Walker,Child----Child of John & Lillie--------1890
Walker, Child----Child of John & Lillie--------1920
Walker,Elizabeth Miller--------1893------1965
Walker,Homer----------Dec. 29, 1898----Feb. 2, 1945
Walker,J. A.----------May 29, 1844----May 9, 1897--
Walker,John----------Apr. 7, 1904----Feb. 19, 1970
Walker,Loyd Carl----------March 1, 1931----Apr. 18, 1944
Walker,Rebecca----------March 18, 1844----Dec. 24, 1909
Walker,Robert----------Oct. 19, 1911----Feb. 1, 1956
Walker,Xellia Usrey--------1873------1951
Warren, Infant
Webb, Carl----------June 10, 1924----July 23, 1974
Webb,Clara Howerton--------April. 29, 1884----May 30, 1923
Webb,Danny----------Sept. 4, 1952----Nov. 8, 1970
Webb,Davie Keen--------1900------1930
Webb, Emory----------Feb. 8, 1879----Aug. 1, 1944
Webb, Infant
Webb,J. M.----------Feb. 15, 1845----March 17, 1913
Webb,Jarvis Jack----------1905------1936
Webb,Lillie---------- July 25, 1881----Feb. 5, 1900
Webb,Lillie Hayes--------1879------1899
Webb, Norma----------Dec. 13, 1903----Nov. 10, 1905
Webb,Robert Lee
Webb,Rosa----------May 25, 1890----March 14, 1912
Webb, Roy----------Aug. 12, 1897----Feb.24, 1970
Webb,Texanna Hamonds--------July 27, 1860----Sept. 13, 1967
Webb, Travis----------1901------1919
Webb,Ula L.----------March 3, 1923----Dec. 20, 1933
Whiteley, Helen P.--------------Apr. 28, 1927
Wilson, --
Wilson, Abraham I.--------------March 11, 1951
Age 76 yrs. 1 month 11 days
Wilson, Alexander--------1830------1912
Wilson, C. W.----------1911------1935
Wilson, Child----------------1942
Wilson, Dewey----------March 26, 1899----Sept. 18, 1957
Wilson, Elva M.----------1919------1919
Wilson, Eugene----------1948------1948
Wilson, Eva L.----------Sept. 9, 1920----Apr. 29, 1945
Wilson, Jessie Frank--------Dec. 22, 1857----Nov. 23, 1916
Age 75 yrs.
Wilson,Granville----------Feb. 27, 1857----Nov. 23, 1916
Wilson,Hubert----------Nov. 15, 1901----Aug. 22, 1968
Wilson,Ivie----------Nov. 4, 1900----July 18, 1901
Wilson,J. C----------Oct. 25, 1931----Feb. 17, 1932
Wilson,James Daniel--------1872------Nov. 28, 1958
Wilson, Jennie Sisco--------Jan. 24, 1890----June 25, 1975
Wilson,Julia Burkett--------Dec. 31, 1855----Jan. 15, 1923
Wilson,Kirby ----------Feb. 20, 1917----March 28, 1974
Wilson,Lillie M. Ramsey--------Nov. 13, 1912----Oct. 20, 1974
Wilson,Lucy Corelia--------1878------1961
Wilson,Maggie Miller--------1887------1965
Wilson, Margaret
Wilson,Martha E.--------Oct. 28, 1876----Nov. 24, 1901
Wilson,Raymond----------Oct. 26, 1930----Sept. 25, 1976
Wilson, Rebecca----------1837------1908
Wilson, Rosalie----------Nov. 29, 1936----Feb. 25, 1929
Wrathers,(4 graves)

Note: These names are from original listing of May 30, 1960,but were not on the later list.

Cox, Mrs. A. F.--no dates
Deweese, J. W.----no dates
Deweese, Mrs.----no dates or name
Deweese, Will----------1869------1942
Fultz, E. L.----------March 5, 1819----Nov. - , 1890
Fultz, Hubert Clay--------Jan. 10, 1921----Feb. 20, 1922
Fultz, Mrs. W. R.----------Oct. 25, 1887----Apr. 28, 1938
Hammons, Helen----------Dec. 28, 1921----May 13, 1942
Howard, Artie M.----------------Nov. 10, 1951
Age 73 yrs.
Hurst, Charley----no dates
Hurst, Fronnie J.----------------March 19, 1942
Age 70 yrs.
Keen, J. H.----no dates
Lamb, Baby----no dates
Miller, ------son of W. T. & V. A.--------Aug. 25, 1904
Morris, Rachel Jane--------Sept. 1, 1857----March 24, 1887
Phillips, boy----no name or dates
Phillips, girl----no name or dates
Readman, Sara----no dates
Roberts, Lou J.----------Oct. 24, 1860----Apr. 10, 1933
Sisco, Seven graves with no names or dates other than Sisco
Smith, James Jefferson--no dates
Smith, Joseph----------March 19, 1831----Dec. 15, 1839
Turner, Mr.----no dates or name
Usrey, Mary Dean--------------May  21, 1860
Age 89 yrs. 28 days
Walker, John----baby no dates
Walker, Lillied----------------June 15, 1951
Webb, Mrs. Dovie--------Feb. 23, 1900----May 1, 1920
Wilson, Mary Lue--------Apr. 4, --------Apr. 18,1942
Wilson, Randall Eugene--------Aug. 6, 1948----Aug. 7, 1948

Also these incomplete names:
W. E. H.----no name or dates
Z. S. M.------no name or dates
Mary D.------no name or dates
Raijhers and Hijomers--no dates
Surway? Sunway?, dates

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