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Carroll County School Census Project - County School Map

CCHS School Census Project

CCHS has acquired Carroll County School census records from the Green Forest and Berryville Schools. Our webmaster has started a project of indexing these earlier records for publication in our CCHS Quarterly. We are searching for school photos to go with these school records. If you have Carroll County school photos to share with our readers, please Contact Fleta . The school census record years range from approximately 1930 through 1948. The record included the child's name, the birthdate, age, sex, name of parent or guardian, and the Post Office. For a small fee, CCHS staff will do lookups in these records and either snail mail copies or scan images of the records. You would need to have an idea of the name of the school your ancestor attended and the year(s) you want searched. It would not be possible to hand search all the school records (there are literally thousounds of individual pages of school census records). CCHS standard research fee is $10 per hour plus mailing and copying expenses, so without a school name and approximate school year, the cost would be prohibitive. Email CCHS Staff at History1880@windstream.net with request for lookups and further details.

Carroll County Arkansas School District Location Map

School District Number - Name Location Key
*P = we have at least one photo from this school on our Group Photos Page

Dist # Name Dist # Name Dist # Name
12 Antioch *P 90 Gardner 33 Parrott
69 Berkes 4 Gassy Knob 98 Pleasant Grove
B Black Jack 94 Gobbler 36 Pension Mt.
A Black Oak D Granada 84 Pine Grove
10 Blue Eye *P 28 Grand View (White Elm) L Piney
13 Bobo *P 58 Grim M Possum Trot
77 Bohannan E Grindstone Mt. 61 Rock Springs (Jackson)
76 Boyd *P 18 Head *P 17 Rose Hill
11 Braswell Springs *P 51 Hide Out 2 Rudd
16 Brawley F Highland 39 Rule
32 Brooklyn 66 Hill ES Seecial Eureka Springs
67 Brushy 46 Hoody 46 Seed Tick (Oak Valley)
40 Bunch G Hottentott 20 Shady Grove
70 Bush 63 Independence 4 Shiloh
37 Butler 61 Jackson (Rock Springs) -- Snow (blank circle right of 66)
59 Campbell (Yocum) H Lakeview BV Special Berryville
15 Carrollton I Leach GF Special Green Forest *P
88 Cedar Gorve J Lizard Hill K Mason 74 Sunny Lane *P
64 Center Point 31 Lone Star 41 Thornton
71 Clearwater *P 49 Maple 24 Underwood
78 Coin 50 Mckennon 99 Urbanette
4 Connor 8p 71 Metalton 82 W. Pleasant Valley
42 Cove 55 Moore 60 Walker (Winterock)
34 Dean 22 Mulberry 87 Walnut Grove
26 Delmar 68 Mundell 85 Ward
3 Denver 5 New Home *P 45 Welcome Home
86 Dog Branch 51 New Hope (Hide Out) 48 West Concord
52 Douglas *P 6 New Salem (No Pone) 75 West Leatherwood
80 E. Pleasant Valley 6 No Pone 72 West Pleasant Ridge *P
1 East Concord 23 Oak Grove *P 28 White Elm (Grandview)
C Fair Grove 44 Oak Hill 27 White Oak
8 Fairview (Osage) 46 Oak Valley (Seed Tick) 46 Who'da Thought It (Seed Tick)
19 Fanning 54 Orrell 62 Winona
4 Farewell *P 8 Osage (Fairview) 69 Winterrock (Walker)
30 Farmer 65 Parker 59 Yocum (Campbell) z*P
- - - - 53 Zion Hill

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Carroll County Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc.
403 Public Square
Berryville, AR 72616-0249
Phone 870 423-6312
URL: www.rootsweb.com/~arcchs/CCSchoolCensus/ 
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